Residential Heating Oil, Home Heating Oil Delivery & Home Heating OilEasthampton, MA, Northampton, MA, Westfield, MA, Florence, MA, Southampton, MA & Leeds, MA

Our home heating oil contains Heating Oil +, a state of the art, premium heating oil specially formulated to maximize your energy dollars by optimizing the performance of your heating system.

fuel-truckRichard’s offers a $.15 per gallon discount off our posted market price, if payment is made within 10 days, when paying by cash or check. If payment is made within 10 days by Master Card, Visa or Discover we offer a $.10 per gallon discount off the posted market price.
(This discount is available provided your account has no unpaid balances.)

New customers must pay at the time of delivery – until an approved credit application is on file.

Automatic delivery or Will Call – its your choice!!

Automatic Delivery: Richard’s makes deliveries based on Computer Calculations (based on your usage and weather conditions). Once automatic delivery has begun deliveries will continue to be made by Richard’s until we are notified by you to stop.  If you are on a contract oil deliveries will continue even if you run out of contract gallons. If your account is on automatic delivery and you request a minimum delivery or anything less than a full tank – your automatic delivery will not be accurate and we are not responsible for a run out.

Will Call Delivery: We only deliver when called. If you live in an out-lying area, please request your delivery in advance of actual need. After business hours- emergency deliveries will be subject to an after hours fee.

Residential Heating Oil in Easthampton, MA | Home Heating Oil Delivery Northampton, MA | Home Heating Oil Westfield, MA

Home Heating OilResidential Heating OilHome Heating Oil Delivery ∴ Northampton, MA ∴ Southampton, MA ∴ Florence, MA